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Orchard Hotel Dinner

Back from dinner@orchard hotel.we had buffet.
Aunty Lucy visited us from Australia and she's setting off tomorrow to London on the A380.ahhhh.
Then i think she is going off to iceland or greenland or something like that....COOL(cause uncle jerry old home was there.i think....)
As per normal,i received loads of chocolates,loads of them.really.
Anyone?i can give u for FREE.cause there's only me and dad eating it.Mum doesnt like it.
Back to buffet,i was looking forward to it since the start of the day....
We set off from home at 6.15pm.reached aunty jenny's house at 6.25pm.We reached there at 6.55pm.At the carpark,met Uncle Jack,Aunty Cindy,Athina,Anthia,Lucas.We went up and went to the dining location.There,i met Aunty Jennifer,Uncle Mike,Ryan,Aaron,Douglas.
Then.Germaine,Gareth and Uncle Gavin came.Then,there was Uncle Colin,Aunty Carol,Lionel,Vivian and Leslie.Still got....Jonathan,Christopher,Aunty Lucy and Uncle Jerry.
I ate very little and i can even list them out.Did'nt really felt like eating....BLEH
Enjoyed the Dessert though...Cakes,Brownies etc.
We enjoyed the decorations on the cakes like the chocolate sticks and honey sticks!
We* koob* them ALL......muahahaah
We waited for new cakes to arrive....
Then we were so bored that we went to the toilet to chat*girls only*
Amelia did a cartwheel INTHETOILET!
We chatted and chatted....
We then went back to our seats and Amelia and Anthia mode their own concoction.
I did dare to try.It was revolting!I felt like vomiting and whats more,they did it on my table*ewws*.....